What is Self-Sufficient Living?

  • Plant grass or ground cover on exposed land to prevent the loss of topsoil from erosion.
  • Create a compost pile for kitchen and garden waste to save energy by not having to haul yard debris to the dump.
  • Plant evergreen trees to protect your home from the chilling winter winds.
  • Plant deciduous shade trees to shade your house in the summer and allow the sun to warm your house in the winter.
  • Plant natural grasses and shrubs that are native to your area and do not require a lot of extra water in the summer.
  • Plant shade trees in the yard, by roadways and in vacant lots to combat the rising CO2 production.
  • Plant native wildflowers in vacant lots, roadsides and other public areas so that the grass will not have to be mowed as often.
  • Collect rain water in a rain barrel or cistern for watering plants, garden and landscaping.
  • Reduce your landscape watering schedule. Experts say that most yards are over-watered.
  • Water lawns early in the morning and long enough for a deep soak to encourage deep root growth.
  • Plants and grasses grow slowly in the cooler weather.
  • Keep an eye on the weather report and turn off your automatic irrigation system when rain is predicted.
  • Check your sprinkler system and timer on a regular basis to be sure it is operating properly and giving you the right coverage.
  • Install a rain sensor device or switch which will override the irrigation cycle of the sprinkler system when adequate rainfall has occurred.
  • Use a "soaker" hose rather than a sprinkler, where possible. Less water is required because the water is concentrated on the soil nearer the roots and there is less evaporation.
  • Water in the early morning or late afternoon to avoid evaporation.
  • Avoid watering on windy days.
  • Convert to a drip irrigation system that waters specific plants and avoids water waste.
  • Use an electric instead of gas powered lawn and garden equipment.  Electric powered equipment create less pollution and are usually more energy efficient.
  • Buy a new push mower for your lawn. They are quiet, non-polluting and you get exercise.
  • Use "hand" pruners, clippers and other yard tools rather than gasoline or electric-powered ones.
  • Lawn mowers will cut more efficiently and use less energy when the blades are sharpened regularly.
  • If you reduce fertilizing the lawn, you’ll have to water less and cut the it less frequently.
  • Raise the lawn mower blade to at least three inches. A lawn cut higher encourages grass roots to grow deeper, shades the root system and holds soil moisture better than a closely-clipped lawn.
  • Leave lawn clippings after mowing to fertilize the grass, or collect the clippings and use them for mulch.
  • Use a mulching lawn mower instead of bagging and carting off grass clippings. The mulched clippings fall back to the soil and add nutrients.
  • Mulch your planting beds to retain moisture in the soil and to control weeds.
  • Use a broom to clean the sidewalks and driveway instead of using a noisy, polluting, blower.
  • Stop using a hose to clean these surfaces which wastes hundreds of gallons of water.
  • Sweeping the sidewalks and driveway
  • Regularly check all hoses, connectors and spigots for leaks. Install new hose washers when needed.
  • Plant native plants that are adapted to your area. They require less water and maintenance, and look great.
  • If possible, use the grey water from the laundry and shower for irrigation in the yard.
  • Choose the small solar powered lights for your landscape lighting.

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