A lesson about astronomical imaging: |
A science and technology program: prepared by the staff of the National Wind Technology Center, tests knowledge of both the history and capability of wind energy and wind energy systems. |
Adventures of Iggy Coloring Book: The Youth Climate Change Conference (‘YC3’) is a youth-lead initiative, focused on action, alternatives, and solutions for a changing world |
Alliant Energy Kid Geothermal: Build your own inexpensive, color, filter wheel and use it to study an image of the Crab Nebula! Discover why scientists use different filters to study astronomical images. View several images of the Sun as seen through different solar filters |
Alliant Energy Kid Hydropower: for children in grades one through six has four distinct units for each grade level. These 24 units provide energy-related experiences in the life, earth, and physical sciences and technology while simultaneously developing critical-thinking and problem-solving skills. |
Alliant Energy Kids Wind Power: A coloring book that teaches younger elementary students about the use and benefits of geothermal heat pumps. Print copies can be ordered by calling 1-800-626-GSHP. (Developed by the International Ground Source Heat Pump Association) |
Discovering the Principle of the Fuel Cell at Home or at School: A math activity that teaches students about wind, including wind energy. |
Dr Es Energy Lab: Fun ways to color Buster and drink safe water |
Easter egg anemometer : For grades 4-8, an activity to construct a solar collector, determining how to maximize the amount of sunshine it collects. (Developed by Online Science-athon) |
Electricity and Magnetism Experiments: An online book that teaches younger elementary students about electric cars and their environmental benefits. (Developed by the U.S. Department of Energy) |
Energy and Science Lesson Plans: The Energy Information Administration Try clicking on Kids’ Page. Energy Ant as host, at first looks like it is aimed at younger children. However, the level of technical information is high enough that even adults can benefit from looking over the site. Take it on at whatever level you find yourself, it’s well laid out and well presented. Other links include “Roofus’ Solar Home”, science projects, and “Ask an Energy Expert”. |
Energy Education Site: A series of experiments designed to teach students in the grade 4 about electricity and magnetism. (Developed by the Hands-On Technology Program) |
Energy Kids Page: A coloring book that teaches younger elementary students about transportation-related air pollution. (Developed by the U.S. Department of Energy and U.S. Postal Service) |
Energy Kid’s Page: California site starts with an interactive picture of a room. Move the mouse over objects to see where you can go from there. For both students and parents/teachers. |
Energy Story – Ocean Energy: students use the scientific method to examine school lighting technologies and determine if there are opportunities to save energy and money. This lesson plan was developed by the Green Schools team at Fortuna Middle School of Fortuna Union Elementary School District in Humboldt County, CA. |
Energy Story – Wind Energy: Biomass is matter usually thought of as garbage. Some of it is just stuff lying around — dead trees, tree branches, yard clippings, leftover crops, wood chips (like in the picture to the right), and bark and sawdust from lumber mills. It can even include used tires and livestock manure. |
Fun with the Sun: US government public information document evaluating the health risks and effectiveness of ozone generating units. |
Geothermal energy Energy from the earths core : |
Global Handbook: An online quiz to help you find ways to make your home more energy efficient. (Developed by Energy Smart Schools, U.S. Department of Energy) |
Guided Tour of Wind Energy: Energy activities for grades K-2, including those on energy conversion and conservation. (Developed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory) |
Hydropower Energy from moving water: A children’s book about how a hydro-car can save the world from pollution. (From Stonehedge Books) |
Kids Energy Page: students increase their awareness of the impact of their choices on the Earth by studying the ecological footprint concept. They also learn how to calculate the mean, median, mode, and standard deviation of a set of data! This lesson, appropriate for grades 8-12, was written by David Casey of Analy High School of West Sonoma County Union High School District, CA. |
New Mexico Solar Energy Association: Everyone can make a pinwheel by following a few simple steps and using ordinary classroom materials. Remember, the more colorful, the more fun! |
Ocean Energy-Kid’s Pge: Basically a simplified windsock, this indicator will very quickly has your students measuring the wind’s direction. |
PUZZLING AND PERPLEXING PROBLEMS: Commonly called a "weather vane," the wind vane indicates wind direction. |
Renewable Energy Activities—Choices for Tomorrow: Kids may find "anemometer" difficult to say, but they’ll find an anemometer easy to make by following the instructions for this simple Dixie cup model. |
Science Fair Projects for Kids: Includes activities on solar energy, biomass, hydropower, and wind energy for students in grades 6-8. (Developed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory) |
Solar Cooking Plans: Gardening and composting go hand-in-hand, especially in school garden projects: gardening without composting only teaches half the lesson. |
Solar Energy: Become a Sun Chef!: new link — School gardening projects fit easily into the curriculum and enhance studies in a wide range of subjects, but they also have a special value all their own. Some schools have always had gardens, but gardens for teaching have a more recent history. A small visitor to our garden — he was fascinated with the pots of green pepper plants (Midori Hiraga) Over the last 30 years many thousands of schools have incorporated gardening into the curriculum. With the growing experience of school gardening has come a great deal of evidence of the multiple benefits to be gained. |
StarChild: A Learning Center for Young Astronomers: Features several energy-related science fair projects for grades K-9 |
The Atoms Family: A booklet featuring three projects for grades 6-12 on the use of solar thermal energy and one project on solar electric energy. (Developed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory) |
Wind with Miller: Activities: new link — Famous gothic horror characters present educational activities relating to different forms of energy, as well as energy conservation, for grades K-12. (Developed by the Miami Museum of Science) |