Building a Strawbale House

Building a Strawbale House

We decided to build a strawbale house for several reasons.  First, we wanted a house that required very little heating and cooling to free us from high utility bills and allow us the possibility of not tying in to the electrical grid, but instead use solar electric.  Second, we wanted a house that didn’t feel like your average house that everyone else has.  Third, we wanted a house that would allow us to do some of the work without the worry of it having to look perfect; strawbale homes generally have a unique feel with unsmooth walls and slight visual imperfections.  Finally, we just knew that if we were going to build anything, we were definitely going to build a Green Home that was environmentally friendly.

This site shares some of the experiences we had in the building process, some of the green and natural products we used and the techniques we used to build and finish our strawbale house. 

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