Broken crayon pieces can be made into new crayons with the Crayola Crayon Maker. Accessories for the crayon maker are available at CrayolaStore.com including vehicle and animal crayon molds, and crayon labels. (Search for coupons at Google.com by entering "crayolastore coupon".)
Greeting Cards
- Make gift tags by cutting out the pictures — especially from Christmas cards. These can be used many years, esp. if laminated. (Craft stores have a great selection of fancy edge scissors, paper punches and corner punches which can be used to dress them up.)
- Make new greeting cards from them by attaching the pictures to new blank cards. This might be a good project for a scout troop as a fund raiser or to donate to a nursing home or assisted living center for those who have trouble getting out to buy cards.
Junk Mail Envelopes
- Save the envelopes from junk mail to be reused for many purposes
- Writing grocery lists on and storing the week’s coupons inside
- Sorting sales receipts by month for financial records
- Storing small items
- Collecting cancelled postage stamps